There will be a public forum held by the Selectboard and Sustainability Committee on February 19th at 6:30 in the town hall to discuss streetlights in town. The town is considering both purchasing the streetlights and possibly decommissioning some of them. Please come with any questions or concerns.
Agricultural Commission - inactive because there are no members, if interested please contact the town administrator; Cable Advisory Committee - 2 Vacancies; Capital Improvements Planning Committee - 1 Vacancy; Finance Committee - 1 Vacancy; Forest & Trails - 1 Vacancy; Open Space - 1 Vacancy; Planning Board - 1 Vacancy plus one Associate Member vacancy.
Town of Conway, MA
32 Main Street, PO Box 240
Conway, MA 01341
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The Town of Conway (37.8 square miles) lies in the foothills of the Berkshires just west of the Connecticut River Valley, a region rich in agriculture, arts & culture. Conway is the 4th largest in area of all towns in Franklin County and is the 11th most populous (1990 census). This site is maintained by local town officials and meant to be a resource to residents and visitors alike.