
  • Town of Conway Massachusetts
  • 32 Main Street
  • 413-369-4235
  • Contact Us

Board of Health

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Public Office Hours as follows:

  • Mondays: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Tuesdays: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Wednesdays: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Thursdays: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Friday: Closed
  • Or by Appointment
  • Visit us at Town Hall, 5 Academy Hill Road
  • Write to:
    Conway Board of Health
    PO Box 240
    Conway, MA 01341

Meeting Schedule: 2nd and 4th Mondays, 5:00 PM at the Town Hall

Next 3 meetings:

  • Mon, Feb 24 at 5:00 PM -- Town Hall Office Meeting Space
  • Mon, Mar 10 at 5:00 PM -- Town Hall Office Meeting Space
  • Mon, Mar 24 at 5:00 PM -- Town Hall Office Meeting Space


5 of 5 seats. 3 years each seat.

Previous meetings:

Heart Health / Cold Weather Safety

Heart Health

The American Heart Association has dubbed February as Heart Health Month. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women, according to the CDC, killing about 1 in every 4 people it affects. Our individual risk for heart disease comes from both our family history and our lifestyle.

Small lifestyle changes made over time can lead to big improvements in heart health. Steps to improve heart health include: continuing with routine medical care, exercising regularly, choosing healthy foods, limiting salt intake, and reducing or quitting smoking.

One resource for heart-healthy recipes is the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s website:

Heart attack is serious and can be deadly. If you see signs of heart attack, call 9-1-1 immediately. A heart attack may not be the dramatic movie scene of someone grabbing their chest. Here are some symptoms of heart attack:

· chest pain

· feeling weak/lightheaded or faint

· Pain in the jaw, neck or back

· Pain or discomfort in one or both arms or shoulders

· Shortness of breath

Signs can look different in men and women. Breaking out into a cold sweat, feeling like a rope is squeezing the chest, upper back pressure, and dizziness and fainting may be important-to-identify symptoms in women.

More information can be found on the American Heart Association website,

Cold Weather Safety

With frigid temperatures settling in across the Commonwealth, now is a good time to remind ourselves how to stay safe during low temperatures and winter weather.

Information from the Conway BOH is focused on our shared public health. Please consult your healthcare provider for your personal healthcare guidance.

Fall Vaccines

Protect yourself and others

There is still time to get your fall vaccines! Go to to find out how.

Holidays and Health

Holidays and Health

For many, the winter holiday season has a complicated relationship with the word “healthy”—either because we think we are not doing enough to maintain our health, or because we avoid thinking about health until January.

Instead, it may be easier to ask ourselves, “What steps can I take to manage my health during the holidays?” Each of our answers may look different, and that is the point: We can each add our own ways to manage stress, incorporate exercise, and eat healthfully. Each day is an opportunity to practice healthy options.

Healthy eating

There are many, many resources that focus on nutrition around the holidays. Most offer this basic advice: act in small steps and remove the guilt. The Mayo Clinic’s holiday nutrition tips suggest adding an extra serving of veggies, drinking more water, limiting soda and alcohol, and to “choose your splurges” to eat portions of seasonal food and enjoy it!


Incorporating exercise can be easier when thinking of “increasing movement” over “improving fitness.” Add to your day: a walk, a stretch break, or dancing to your favorite song. Create active TV time by using hand weights, doing calisthenics, or simply marching in place during commercial breaks.

For some people, setting timers to limit screen time (TV, computer and/or phone) are easy ways to purposefully make time for other things—like adding in a self-care activity or getting to bed on time.

Managing stress

Low-cost ways to manage stress during the holidays are effective. Consider taking a walk or bath, calling a family member or friend, and writing in a journal. During the short daylight, simply getting outside for 10-20 minutes can be helpful, especially early in the day. Starting or ending your day with a few minutes focused on breathing can feel grounding.

Although we often let go of some routines and expectations, prioritizing ongoing support groups and meaningful connections can help us manage, relax and enjoy the season.

Information from the Conway BOH is focused on our shared public health. Please consult your healthcare provider for your personal healthcare guidance.

Updates from the Board of Health

Recovery Month

September is Recovery Month, dedicated to celebrating the gains made by people in recovery or substance use treatment for drug and alcohol addictions as a path to a healthy and rewarding life. It also celebrates support given by families, friends and service providers who make recovery possible in all its forms. Recovery is an active process of change, as individuals improve their health, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential. Links to further information are on the Conway BOH website.

Reminder: Narcan kits are available on the foyer table in town hall. Two outdoor Narcan cabinets will be installed in town later this fall.

Rabies Information

The health district that supports your Board of Health has responded to numerous, potential rabies exposures this year. Rabies is a virus that almost always causes death, and you cannot tell if an animal has rabies simply by looking at it.

Rabies has been found in over 5,000 animals in Massachusetts since 1992. Most US cases of rabies in humans are caused by bats; any possible contact with bats should be taken seriously. This may be a bite, scratch, and/or finding or waking up with a bat in the room, especially with a young child or someone who may be mentally incapacitated. Bat teeth are small, so you may not realize if you have been bitten.

If bitten or scratched by a bat or wild animal: immediately wash the wound with water and soap for 10 minutes. Call your health care provider and the Cooperative Public Health Service that serves your Board of Health at 413-774-3167 ext 106. The Health Service will get in touch with your town’s animal control officer and/or inspector. If your pet is bitten or scratched, call the veterinarian and your town’s animal control officer. More information/ prevention tips can be found on

2024-2025 COVID vaccines

This year’s updated COVID vaccines are expected to come out in early September. Detailed information from the CDC will be posted on the town website when it is available.

Mosquito Bites

Illnesses carried by mosquitos will continue to be a risk until after the first frost. Eastern Equine Encephalitis has been diagnosed in a horse in Plymouth County. Two human cases of West Nile Virus have occurred, one in Hampden and MIddlesex Counties. While the risk in Franklin County currently is low, the best way to avoid possible illness is to take precautions to avoid mosquito bites.

Measles Case in Massachusetts

The first confirmed case of measles in Massachusetts since 2020 was reported in Worcester County in early July. It was diagnosed in an adult who had recently traveled internationally. The Department of Public Health (DPH) urges anyone who does not know their measles immunization status to contact their healthcare provider to get at least one dose of the MMR (Measles-Mumps-Rubella) vaccine. Learn more about measles at

New PERC Test Application

The Board of Health has a newly updated "Application for Soil Percolation Test." This application can be found on the Board of Health page of the town website. You can also email ( or call (413-369-4235 x8) the board of health office to request a copy.

Information on this site is focused on our shared public health. Please consult your healthcare provider for your personal healthcare guidance.

For the most up to date information, please see the BOH webpage

CPHS Comprehensive Program

The Town of Conway has contracted with the Cooperative Public Health Service (CPHS) of the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) to provide a comprehensive public health program. The service includes environmental health inspections, communicable disease investigation and prevention, code enforcement, education, wellness, and special programs; CPHS Health Agents and Public Health Nurses work closely with the Town's Title 5 inspector, and members of the Town Board of Health, on these matters. For further information, and for a CPHS staff listing and contact details, please see the CPHS website.

Protect Your Family: A Guide to Water Quality Testing for Private Wells

If you have a private well, then water quality testing should be important to you and your family.

Some contaminants in drinking water have been linked to cancer and toxicity, posing a risk to human health. Many contaminants often have no taste, odor, or color. Only laboratory testing can detect them.

While there is no state requirement to have your well water tested (although there may be from your mortgage lender or local Board of Health), the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) recommends that all homeowners with private wells do so, and use a state certified laboratory.

For more information go to: Mass DEP - Private Wells

Click here to find a certified laboratory for water testing

Title V and Septic Systems

For inquiries regarding septic systems contact the Board of Health at 413-369-4235 ext. 8 or

The Septic tank must be pumped as part of each Title V inspection, unless that tank has been pumped within 1 year prior to the inspection and such pumping was property reported by the pumper to the Board of Health. Such a procedure must be performed by a pumper with a current license to perform such services. The Board of Health may, at its discretion, waive this requirement.

''To Pump, or Not to Pump, that is the question...''

March 20, 2023 By Amy Pemberton, Technical Assistance Provider, Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project (SERCAP)

Septic baffle

This is an age-old question that owners of septic systems seem to ask one another. Although misguided, there seems to be some sense of pride of ownership that the longer one can go without pumping their septic tank, the better, more robust system they must have. Not so. Please tell all of your friends!

A septic tank system needs regular maintenance, just like your car needs oil changes and spark plugs replaced, just like your HVAC system needs filters replaced and periodic checks by professionals. Think of your septic system as you would any other household system that needs some care and upkeep. Household wastewater contains disease-causing bacteria and viruses, as well as high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. If a septic system is well-maintained and working properly, it will remove most of these pollutants. If not, a malfunctioning septic system can be a public health and environmental hazard by allowing exposure of harmful contaminants to humans, pets and the natural world. Not to mention, it is a violation of the law.

Figure3 1

Figure from EPA

Conventional septic systems are designed to be relatively low maintenance, but low maintenance does not equate to NO maintenance. A septic tank system is essentially comprised of five basic components:

  1. A household collection system that removes all sewage from the dwelling and transports it out into the holding tank, or septic tank.
  2. The septic tank is where the treatment of the waste begins, and its routine maintenance is an important step in the functional lifespan of your system. From the septic tank, the liquid portion of the sewage, called effluent, exits the septic tank, and moves out to the third component.
  3. A distribution box, as the name implies, this box equally distributes the effluent as it moves out into the fourth component,
  4. A drain field or absorption trenches.
  5. Lastly is the soil, in which your septic system is installed, is the final step of treatment for a conventional septic system.

The septic tank works to “sort” the household waste as it allows for the contents to settle and separate. The solids settle down to the bottom of the tank, while the fats, oils, and greases float to the top. This action ideally results in no solids moving out into the drain field where they can potentially clog up the absorption trenches. If too much water is introduced into the septic tank at one time (i.e.., multiple consecutive loads of laundry), this can disrupt the settling time and potentially result in solids moving out into your drain field. Adequate settling time is important, so it is vital to keep this in mind in your routine household activities. Over time, the solids at the bottom of the tank accumulate and need to be removed. If the tank is not pumped out every three to five years, the holding capacity, and the ability to separate the waste will be diminished, thus creating a situation in which solids can more easily move into the drain field.

Septic tanks contain naturally occurring anaerobic bacteria which help break down solids in the tank and support the biological processes that treat human waste. Some people believe that they can reduce the frequency of septic tank pump outs by introducing “additives” to their septic system. There are different types of additives on the market. Biological additives add more bacteria to the tank, and in doing so, can create conditions in which the bacterial populations compete against each other, potentially causing negative effects. Enzymes are another type of septic tank additive. The enzymes are thought to aid in the breakdown of certain types of solids and limit the buildup of the scum layer (fats, oils, greases). Additives claiming to eliminate the need for pumping usually re-suspend solids, moving them to the drain field, thus clogging lines and leading to system failure. Septic tank additives are not regulated and there is no scientific evidence to support their benefit. A healthy septic tank should not need any additives, but again, it does need routine inspection and pumping every three to five years.

Some general rules of the road when it comes to caring for your septic system:

  • Use less water. Space out laundry sessions throughout the week. This avoids overloading the system over a short period of time. Be sure to notice any leaking toilets or dripping faucets and repair them right away.
  • Keep toxic chemicals from going down the drain. Properly dispose of solvents, paint, varnish, oil, and pesticides, instead of putting them down the drain. Use bleach and household cleaners sparingly.
  • Keep solids out. Cigarettes, left over medications, handwipes, feminine hygiene products, paper towels, tissues, kitty litter, and other solid items should go into the trash, not your septic system. Left over medications could kill the “good” bacteria in your tank.
  • Keep grease and fat out of your kitchen drain. Pour the oil into a container and dispose of it in the trash.
  • Limit use of garbage disposal. Using a garbage disposal increases the amount of water and solids in your septic tank, requiring more frequent pumping.
  • Divert runoff and drainage water. Never drain swimming pools or hot tubs into your septic system or drain field. Downspouts and roof runoff should be directed away from your drain field to limit hydraulically overloading the soil.

Regular maintenance pump fees can average between $250 to $500. This expense every three to five years is a bargain compared to the cost of repairing or replacing a failing septic system. Replacement costs can range from $5,000 to $20,000 or more depending on the type of system needed. A well designed, healthy septic system that is properly cared for should last a homeowner 20-30 years or more. Your septic system is a silent partner in keeping your home life humming. As lovable as your car, which you maintain regularly and as just as aggravating when it breaks down?! To find more information about being Septic Smart, go to:

By Amy Pemberton, Technical Assistance Provider, Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project (SERCAP)

Now Available

You can now pay your permit fees online!

Permits you can pay for include:

  • Disposal System (Sewage) Construction Permit
  • Disposal Works Installer's Permit
  • Permit to Remove, Transport, and Dispose of Waste
  • Well Permit

Pay BOH Fees

Vaccine Information for Franklin County

Vaccine for ages 6 months and older, booster for ages 5 and older, all vaccines are no cost. Updated Omicron-specific (bivalent) booster is available for ages 5+ who received a shot (end of primary series or booster dose) at least two months ago. Register online or walk-ins welcome. Bring your ID, insurance card and vaccination card. You can receive both the flu and COVID vaccines during the same visit.

Who can get a COVID-19 vaccine now?

Booster dose eligibility depends on age & type of primary series vaccines received:

Schedule a COVID vaccine appointment in Franklin County:

Big Y: (Address: 237 Mohawk Trail/Route 2, Greenfield) Online booking only. Note: the link only works with the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge. Schedule at Big Y here
Rite Aid: (Address: 107 Main Street, Greenfield) Click here to book vaccine appointment online or call (413) 774-2201. Note: scheduling website available in both English and Spanish.
Walgreens (Address: 5 Pierce Street, Greenfield and 240 Avenue A, Turners Falls) Click here to book vaccine appointment online or call (800) 925-4733. Note: online scheduling requires signing in to Walgreens online pharmacy account.
Baker Pharmacy (Address: 52 Bridge Street, Shelburne Falls) Call 413-625-6324 to schedule.
Walmart: (Address: 555 East Main Street, Orange) Click here to book appointment online.
Other Options: Visit the State VaxFinder site. For individuals who are unable to use VaxFinder, or have difficulty accessing the Internet, the COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Line is available by calling 2-1-1 (Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 6 PM, Saturday and Sunday 9 AM – 2 PM). The COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Line is available in English and Spanish and has translators available in approximately 100 additional languages.

How to Schedule a Pop-up Vaccination Clinic at workplaces or events

  • Click here to request a Walgreens clinic at your event/location.
  • Click here to schedule a CVS clinic onsite — minimum 30 people.
  • Click here to schedule a state mobile clinic.

Homebound Vaccination

Is it very hard for you to get to a vaccination appointment? Someone can come to you to administer a vaccine. Call the State Homebound Vaccination Program phone number 833-983-0485.

Vaccine Safety Information

Vaccines are safe and are one of the best ways to protect yourself and those around you from getting sick from COVID-19. The vaccine doesn’t contain the virus that causes COVID-19, so it can’t make you sick. You may experience mild side effects after getting the vaccine, but this is a sign that your body is learning how to protect you. The COVID-19 vaccine was developed quickly but all of the

same safety steps were followed for this vaccine that are used for all vaccines.

Accessing Your Vaccination Record

Need a copy of your vaccination? Your primary care provider can access your vaccination record through the MA Immunization Information System.

Board of Health Files

Name Uploaded Date
   Disposal System Construction Application - 1A.pdf 2022-09-22 15:28:13
   Disposal System Construction Permit - 2A.pdf 2022-09-22 15:28:15
   Haulers Application Rev 21.pdf 2023-04-06 09:10:34
   HPAI-Memo.pdf 2022-08-30 15:00:59
   Installer Application Rev 21.pdf 2022-09-22 15:10:20
   Local Upgrade Approval - 9B.pdf 2022-09-22 15:30:14
   Local Upgrade Approval Application - 9A.pdf 2022-09-22 15:30:18
   Marijuana-regs.pdf 2022-08-30 15:00:05
   Perc Test Application re 24.pdf 2024-09-04 13:08:09
   Preventing-Mosquito-Bites-MA-Dept-PubHealth-2020.pdf 2022-08-30 15:00:41
   Purple-Shield-Vaccine-Consent-ALL-Patients-Ver-4-22-21.pdf 2022-08-30 15:00:44
   Tobacco 21 Reg 20180403 D.pdf 2022-09-22 15:12:16
   Vaccine-Consent-Form-for-Individuals-12-17-Years-of-Age-05-12-21.pdf 2022-08-30 15:00:47
   Well Permit Application.pdf 2022-09-22 15:11:33