Annual Town Meeting is Saturday, June 7th, 2025 at 10:00 AM at the Conway Grammar School.
The town is currently working to scan all town meeting minutes; however this is a long process. In the meantime, here is a link to the last 20 years of town meeting minutes, from 2004 through 2024.
June 1,2024 Annual Town Meeting recording
June 1, 2024 Annual Town Meeting 'Warrant Lite' Voter Guide
June 1, 2024 Annual Town Meeting Minutes.
FY23 Annual Town Report
Conway's bylaws, which include bylaws on the conduct of town meetings.
Please come and share your voice!
Conway’s form of governance has been the open town meeting since colonial times, a form of government in which all registered voters of a town may vote on the Town budget and by-laws. The annual Town Meeting now takes place each year on the first Saturday in June. The Select Board summons the town meeting into existence by issuing the warrant, which is the list of items, or articles, to be voted on, with descriptions of each article. The Moderator officiates the meeting by reading each article, explaining it, and making sure the rules of parliamentary procedure are followed. The Finance Committee makes recommendations on money articles. The Town Clerk records the results of the meeting. Town Counsel makes legal recommendations on all articles to ensure town meeting is acting lawfully. There are times when a town meeting needs to be called to deal with issues that arise between the regularly scheduled annual Town Meetings. These meetings, called special Town Meetings, follow the same rules as the annual Town Meeting.
Here is a 6-minute clip from the Massachusetts Moderators Association about the Town Meeting Process. If you have a bit more time, here is a 30-minute video explaining more in depth about the warrant itself, the motions, how to amend motions and other important information about town meeting procedures.
If you wish to file a citizen's petition, please use this form and see the Town Clerk.
To find out more about the rights and responsibilities of a town meeting, please see the Secretary of the Commonwealth's Citizen's Guide to Town Meeting.
For those interested in learning more about how the Massachusetts State Legislature works, please see this presentation for more information.