
  • Town of Conway Massachusetts
  • 32 Main Street
  • 413-369-4235
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Senior Services

Return to Council on Aging

Scam Watch Newsletter. The Northwestern District Attorney’s Office Consumer Protection Unit has developed a scam watch newsletter highlighting current scams. Call Rachel Senecal, 413-437-5747, or go to

Audio, Large Print, and Braille Materials: The Perkins Library, which was established by Perkins School for the Blind, loans audio, large print, and braille books and magazines along with playback equipment to eligible individuals. For information and applications, visit the library’s website at, email, or phone 1-800-852-3133 or 617-972-7240.

LifePath Options for Independence: LifePath is an area agency offering a variety of services for elders, caregivers, and persons with disabilities. For information visit or phone 413-773-5555, 978-544-2259, or 1-800-732-4636. View the new Silverline directory of services here.

Home-Delivered Meals: Meals on Wheels are provided up to seven days per week; call LifePath, 773-5555, for information and registration.

Medical Transportation. For curb-to-curb van transportation within Franklin County call the Shelburne Falls Senior Center, 625-2502. For out-of-county appointments call the FRTA, 774-2262 x163.

Senior Living Help: check out this website for resources on finding appropriate senior living and care facilities:

TRIAD: services such as smoke and carbon monoxide detector installation, fuel assistance, medical equipment loan program, 911 cell phone program; health and wellness visits; contact TRIAD at 413-774-4726.

Specialized telephones for persons with disabilities: free or at reduced cost depending on income, for persons with hearing, vision, mobility or cognitive disabilities. Contact the Massachusetts Equipment Distribution Program (Mass EDP), 800-300-5658.

Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority: Our Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP) is a state-funded program that provides financing (0% interest loan) to homeowners for accessibility renovations to keep a household member with a disability or an older adult in their own home. Please reach out to learn more: Mike Blasco. 413-223-5228,, or watch an informational video HERE.