
  • Town of Conway Massachusetts
  • 32 Main Street
  • 413-369-4235
  • Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is an EOC? A. An Emergency Operations Center is a place where emergency managers and responders work to direct the response to the immediate incident. Only those people who are directly involved and authorized have access to the EOC.

Q. Are animals allowed at a public shelter during an emergency? A. Yes! The Shelter Committee recognizes the importance of including household pets in the sheltering process and has been making plans to include them. Please bring a supply of pet food and any pet medications.

Q. If I need more information about the emergency or I know of a neighbor in need of help, can I call someone? A. The EOC, once activated, will have someone on site who will be charged with answering a special phone designated for incoming calls. The phone number will be listed in the status message on the Interactive Emergency Update Page.

Q. Should I be concerned about losing my privacy if I sign up for the Emergency Alert System? A. No. The information in the data base is not shared with anyone.

Q. Have there been EDS drills before? A. Yes. The Boards of Health of the four Frontier towns; i.e., Conway, Deerfield, Sunderland and Whately have jointly sponsored flu clinics for more than 5 years, which also function as EDS drills. Conway has held clinics at the Grammar School and conducted a drill to simulate the delivery of medications to each household in town. A prior event was a four-town drive-through flu clinic in Deerfield in 2010 that processed almost 700 people in 3 hours.

Q. How can I get answers to questions I might have about the Town’s level of Emergency Preparedness? A. You can submit questions through this web site by clicking on the "Email Us / Subscribe" link.