Real Estate Abatement
Applying for abatement on real estate
or personal property tax bills:
- Be sure to pay the bill in full, as billed, and on time or demand fees and interest will start to accrue from the tax collector. Fees and interest cannot be abated.
- You may apply for abatement on your values ONLY in the fall after the bills have been mailed. You have until the day that the bill is due to file and your application must be USPS post-marked or received in the assessors’ office on or before the bill’s due date which is usually November 1.
- Abatement forms area available in the Assessors’ Office in the Town Hall, at the Tax Collector’s office in the Town Offices, and online at the town website, “Assessors” page.
- The assessors will be in touch with you for a site visit and to discuss your reasons for the application. Please be sure to include a phone number or e-mail so that we may contact you.
- The assessors have up to 120 days in which to decide on your application. If they assessors grant your abatement, you will not receive a refund check, but the tax collector will reduce the amount of your spring bill by the amount of the tax abated.