Dog Licenses and the Leash Law
State Law and Town Bylaw require dogs to be licensed each year. The licensing period is from April 1st through March 31st each year. A current Rabies Certificate is required, stating the date of expiration. Proof of neutering or spaying must be provided. All dogs six (6) months of age or older must be licensed.
You can license or renew your license three ways:
- On-line through the town web-site
- In-person during normal office hours with cash or check
- By mail with check made payable to Town of Conway, copy of current rabies certificate and a self-addressed-stamped-envelope bearing 84-cents postage
- Individual licenses are now avaiable for up to three years (determined by rabies expiration date)
Dog licensing fees as of 2022 are as follows:
- Neutered or Spayed – $5.00 per year
- Male or Female – $10.00 per year
- Kennel (one-year only) – $15.00 (4 dogs), $35.00 (up to 10 dogs) and $50.00 (up to 25 dogs)
- There will be a $15.00 late fee for EACH DOG not licensed before July 1st each year
- There will be a $50 citation issued for EACH DOG not licensed before October 1st of each year
The General Bylaws of the Town of Conway requires the restraint of any dog within the Town of Conway by a chain or leash not exceeding eight feet in length, unless such dog is on the premises of the owner or keeper, or upon the premises of another person with permission of such other person. (Adopted – May 1974) If any dog owner or keeper is found to be out of compliance with the dog leash law, a fine shall be assessed in accordance with the “Non-Criminal Disposition” section of the General Bylaws.