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Resolution to Make Conway a Pollinator-Friendly Community

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Spring-Flowering Serviceberries (Amelanchier sp.) on the Library Island

About the Pollinator-Friendly Resolution

At Town Meeting on June 3, 2023, Conway voters showed their support for pollinators by passing this NON-BINDING resolution to designate Conway as a pollinator-friendly community and to prioritize native plantings in landscaping and restoration efforts. View the resolution here: Resolution to Make Conway a Pollinator-Friendly Community

Through this resolution, which requires no funding from the town, we raise awareness about the serious threats to native pollinators. By inspiring our neighbors to take steps that support pollinators, we can help address the alarming decline in insect populations (also referred to as the insect apocalypse).

As a non-binding resolution, it does not require anyone to change their land management, farming, or garden practices. It’s an outline of ideals and goals for everyone to consider adopting. We recognize that each Conway landowner has unique circumstances, the right to make choices about how they use their land, and will make changes at their own pace, if at all. For those who want to become more intentional stewards of their land, we suggest practices that support pollinators, their habitats, and local ecosystems.

Looking at this through the lens of human self-interest, we need pollinators to pollinate our crops. We rely on pollinators and their services for one of every three bites of food that we eat. And who doesn’t want the children and grandchildren of Conway to experience the beauty and wonder of a diversity of birds, butterflies and caterpillars?

By passing this resolution, Conway joins towns across the state (from Williamstown to Cape Cod) declaring their communities as pollinator friendly and taking positive steps to support pollinators. This creates a movement that supports the health of our town and our planet, for humans, for pollinators, and for other living beings.

The resolution contains concepts and references that may be unfamiliar to some in our community. See our Frequently Asked Questions information sheet to learn more!