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Vote on Options for Flood Remediation in Conway Center

Even if you cannot attend the meeting on Saturday, May 18th you can STILL VOTE

Just a reminder that the final community meeting as a part of Conway’s 2024 Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Action Grant is this Saturday May 18th starting at 11am in the Town Hall. We will serve lunch at noon in the lower parking lot of the ball fields.

Consultants from GZA GeoEnvironmental and Field Geology Services (Rosalie Starvish and Nic Miller) will give a presentation about potential resilience projects that could reduce flooding in Conway Center. The presentation will include information about the updated flood model for Conway Center and provide the pros/cons and other considerations for each of the potential projects. After the presentation, we will have “voting boxes” set up so that everyone can select their top two projects. The two projects with the most votes will move on to the design phase.

We recognize that this is a busy time of year and that there is a lot going on this weekend. If you can’t make it but would like to provide feedback we will post a recording of the presentation as soon as it is available on this webpage, along with a google form to submit your project selections. Electronic submissions will be open until midnight on Wednesday, May 22nd.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Allison Gage. Hope to see you on Saturday!

Posted: to General News on Wed, May 15, 2024
Updated: Wed, May 15, 2024