Monday, January 13, 5:00 pm until 6:00 pm
Repeats until Monday, December 8, 5:00 pm until 6:00 pm
Town Hall Office Meeting Space
A meeting of the Board of Health
Meeting opened: 5:05 PM
Meeting closed: 6:20 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Mon, Dec 23 - Board of Health Meeting
General Discussion...
8 system pumping reports
NACHO Dispatch monthly newsletter
NACHO Exchange quarterly newsletter
Noodle Soup Magazine (educational materials)
General Discussion...
Perc Test at 106 Upper Baptist Hill Road
NOTE: This topic will be renamed FRCOG actions / report and will include all inspections done for the town by FRCOG (food, short term rentals, title 5, etc)
General Discussion...
Hanna - DPH Webinar re avian flu
Daniel - Meeting with Ilana from FRCOG re tobacco regs
General Discussion...
Respiratory disease illnesses:
COVID: big rise in wastewater levels in state since end of Nov - high in Deerfield, rising in Amherst, low in Sunderland
Vaccines 32.4% Conway (slight increase)
Flu: high levels
Vaccines 39% Conway (slight increase)
RSV: ER visits have decreased
Good time to mask in crowded places if want to avoid illness
Avian flu:
From “Your Local Epidemiologist” 01.07.25: H5N1 risk is currently low, thinks has 7-9% chance of becoming a pandemic
Is responsive to Tamiflu
Children, elderly, comorbidities at highest risk for severe disease
HHS has allocated $306M to bolster preparedness, $183M of it will go to regional, state, and local programs
Norovirus: rising, highest level nationally in 5 years - wash hands, sanitizer not effective
General Discussion...
Permit issued for Sweet Sweets, Beaumont Berries and Natural Roots
Visit to Baker's General Store
NOTE: This section will be included under the FRCOG action/report section
General Discussion...
Began review and discussion on tobacco regulations (through section D). Will continue at next meeting.
General Discussion...
Tabled for further information
General Discussion...
Heart health and cold weather safety
General Discussion...
Create a checklist for new homeowners - add to next agenda
Review the Noodle Soup catalog for informational brochures and pamphlets
Create a 'welcoming new babies' resources and education package - add to February agenda
General Discussion...
Minutes prepared by Laurie Lucier
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