Meeting opened: 6:00 PM
Meeting closed: 6:50 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Mon, Jun 17 - Select Board
- Vote to approve the Accounts Payable Warrant W25-01 in the amount of $326,517.03 ; the Payroll Warrant PW25-02 in the amount of $140,299.88 , the Payroll Deduction Warrant PDW25-02 in the amount of $32,284.06, W24-28 in the amount of $159,877.32.
MOTION, moved by Christopher Waldo, seconded by Elaine Campbell: .
Pass: Aye: Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman, Elaine Campbell.
- Discussion and vote to create a Mass in Motion committee and appoint members. Robin Yerkes 6/30/2026 Thad Bennett 6/30/2026 George Forcier (Planning Board Rep) 6/30/2027 Pat Lynch (COA Rep) 6/30/2025 Jody Lally 6/30/2025 Tilda Hunting 6/30/2026 Kathy Llamas (BOH Rep) 6/30/2025 Phil Kantor 6/30/2027
MOTION, moved by Erica Goleman, seconded by Elaine Campbell: To create a Mass in Motion Committee for the town.
Pass: Aye: Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman, Elaine Campbell.
MOTION, moved by Erica Goleman, seconded by Elaine Campbell: To appoint the Mass in Motion Committee members. .
Pass: Aye: Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman, Elaine Campbell.
- Vote to appoint the following: ZBA members and associates: Mark Silverman, 6/30/2025 Phyllis Craine, 6/30/2026 Andrew Levchuk 6/30/2027 Gary Fentin, Associate, 6/30/2027
MOTION, moved by Erica Goleman, seconded by Elaine Campbell: To appoint the ZBA members by date.
Pass: Aye: Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman, Elaine Campbell.
- Pat Kocot, Council on Aging, 6/30/2027 Deb Donaldson and Marilyn Webster, Forest & Trails, 6/30/2027 Carl Darrow, Hank Horstmann and Sarah Williams, Historical Commission, 6/30/2027 Stephanie Recore as the Selectboard appointed member of the Personnel Committee; 6/30/2027.
MOTION, moved by Erica Goleman, seconded by Christopher Waldo: To appoint remaining committee members by date.
Pass: Aye: Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman, Elaine Campbell.
- FRCOG representatives CPHS reps for the FRCOG are Daniel Sheff and Kathy Llamas as alternate.
General Discussion...
1) CPHS reps for the FRCOG are Daniel Sheff and Kathy Llamas as alternate.
2) Regional Planning Board – Selectboard member or designee Erica
3) Regional Planning Board – Planning Board designee Jeff Lacey
4) Emergency Manager & Response Coordinator; Amanda Herrmann and Chief Baker
5) FCCIP; Laurie Lucier
6) FRCOG Council (already appointed) Erica Goleman, Chris Waldo alternate.
MOTION, moved by Christopher Waldo, seconded by Elaine Campbell: To appoint the FRCOG reps for the upcoming year.
Pass: Aye: Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman, Elaine Campbell.
General Discussion...
It was agreed by the Selectboard that short-term passes could be issued for house sitters to utilize the Transfer station. It was also agreed to discuss at an upcoming meeting that 52 stickers be distributed next year as a majority of households have extra stickers from the 104. Bulky waste pricing will be the next topic to tackle.
General Discussion...
A thank you to Randy Williams for his years of service on the PD and Highway Department.
- none
- Discussion and vote on amount to be set aside for the Senior and Veterans tax work off program, number of participants and amount alloted to each participant.
General Discussion...
The Town Administrator, Administrative Assessor and Treasurer will be meeting with Amherst officials to see how they run their program. Some questions to be answered will be the following.
How many people will the town start with. Start small, maybe 5, and build from there.
How much will each person receive in compensation.
Who will be tracking the individuals enrolled.
Who will qualify for the program.
Look into DD2-14 for vets.
How many years can a citizen participate in the program.
What information will be sent to applicants.
How, and how often, will the participants be paid.
- Discussion of DPH report on town hall vault moisture concerns.
General Discussion...
Currently some documents are being put into plastic containers and kept away from the outer wall. The town will be looking for a quote to seal the upper window. Possibly trim some trees to allow more light to hit the area. A gutter and down-spout could be installed. Order and place some moister meters in the vault.
Minutes approved on Monday, Jul 15, 2024
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