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Meeting opened: 6:00 PM
Meeting closed: 7:41 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Tue, Jan 2 - Select Board
- Vote to approve the Accounts Payable Warrant W24-16 in the amount of $346,459.48; the Payroll Warrant PW24-16 in the amount of $130,019.12, and the Payroll Deduction Warrant PDW24-16 in the amount of $32,229.42.
MOTION, moved by Erica Goleman, seconded by Christopher Waldo: .
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman.
General Discussion...
The board attended an informational site visit with Ron Sweet in the Upper Baptist/Pine Hill area to discuss drainage.
Phil and Veronique met with Chief Hoffer about climate change and strategies moving forward to improve the infrastructure so future storm damage can be reduced.
- Discussion and possible vote(s) regarding the July 2023 rain events on steps Town is taking to remediate town damages; obtain Town compensation; alleviate and address resident concerns; remediate Town infrastructure which worsened flood damages; assist private individuals and non profits in remediating damages; and to help obtain compensation for losses to private residences and property.
General Discussion...
The town will be receiving $1,245,000.00 from the state to help with damages caused by the July storms.
- Vote to appoint Jack Farrell to the Community Preservation Committee as an at-large member, term 1/16/24 through 6/30/24
MOTION, moved by Philip Kantor, seconded by Erica Goleman: .
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman.
- Discuss and vote to sign contract with auditing firm Roselli & Clark.
General Discussion...
The FRCOG is trying to phase out its accounting branch. Mike Kociela has agreed to stay with Conway and Buckland and each town will be signing a contract with Mike for his accounting services. The town will be signing with Roselli, Clark & Associates for auditing services.
MOTION, moved by Philip Kantor, seconded by Erica Goleman: To sign the contract with Roselli and Clark.
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman.
- Ron Sweet, Highway Superintendent, to discuss road repairs from all storms since July 2023.
General Discussion...
Before starting Erica and the board thanked Ron and his department for all the work they have done since the first July flood damage.
Before the December storm, the roads in town were almost plow ready after the summer damage. The December rain wiped out a number of areas that had already been repaired. Even work that DOT did for the town needs further repair. The top issues are catch basins that need more work, some drainage pipes that need to be unclogged, there will need to be blacktop repair and the biggest issue is the amount of gravel that will be needed as this is now a large expense. Areas that have been, or are being repaired will need to looked at going forward. Current money is to restore not improve. An example would be the pipes running between 12 and 14 River Street that need to be upgraded to 20 inches.
- Discussion regarding flag and sign policy on town property.
MOTION, moved by Erica Goleman, seconded by Christopher Waldo: To table the discussion until the next meeting.
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman.
- Town Clerk requests: Effective Vacancies and the 2024 Election, Police Detail and Opt-In for in-person early voting.
MOTION, moved by Philip Kantor, seconded by Erica Goleman: To put 2 Board of Health and 1 Planning Board Vacancy on the ballot with terms expiring in 2026.
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman.
MOTION, moved by Christopher Waldo, seconded by Erica Goleman: To allow in-person early voting for June 3, 4, 5, 2024.
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman.
MOTION, moved by Philip Kantor, seconded by Erica Goleman: For police detail at Annual Elections.
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman.
- Discussion on the following budgets: 114 Moderator, 131 Finance, 135 Accounting, 170 Open Space, 171 Conservation Commission, 175 Planning Board, 176 Zoning Board of Appeals, 292 Animal Control, 294 Tree Warden, 541 COA, 610 Library, 635 Forest & Trails, 691 Historical Commission.
General Discussion...
Finance Committee joined at 6:57 and adjourned at 7:24.
The following were level funded.
Finance Committee
Open Space
Planning Board
Zoning Board
Animal Control
Tree Warden
Council on Aging
Forest and Trails
The Conservation Commission went up $4.00 and the Library increased less than $100. The proposal to hire Mike Kociela in-house will bring the accounting, formally paid to the FRCOG, from $59,307 to $50,455.
Both the Selectboard and the Finance committee were in agreement of these budgets.
- Confirm votes from the January 13 and 14 emergency meetings.
General Discussion...
Subsequent events have made these votes moot. Minutes for these two emergency meetings will be approved at a future meeting.
General Discussion...
The Town Administrator will draft a letter of thanks to all those involved in helping the town receive the $1,245,000.00 in storm damage relief.
General Discussion...
April 16, 2024 will the closing date for article submissions to the June Town Meeting Warrant.
Minutes approved on Thursday, Feb 8, 2024
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