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Meeting opened: 6:00 PM
Meeting closed: 6:28 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Mon, Dec 18 - Select Board
- Vote to approve the Accounts Payable Warrant W24-15 in the amount of $419,857.23; the Payroll Warrant PW24-15 in the amount of $130,215.17, the Payroll Deduction Warrant PDW24-15 in the amount of $31,818.91 and W24-SAF-02 in the amount of $1,392.06.
MOTION, moved by Philip Kantor, seconded by Christopher Waldo: .
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman.
General Discussion...
Chris met with the Lee Whitcomb regarding the purchase of a new tablet. After looking at the software needed it was found that a used tablet would be about the same price as a new one. Chris will be going back to the assessor's office to help purchase the best model at the lowest cost.
Phil has attended the negotiations regarding the new contract with the Superintendent. It will be finalized at the next School Committee meeting.
- Discussion and possible vote(s) regarding the July 2023 rain events on steps Town is taking to remediate town damages; obtain Town compensation; alleviate and address resident concerns; remediate Town infrastructure which worsened flood damages; assist private individuals and non profits in remediating damages; and to help obtain compensation for losses to private residences and property.
General Discussion...
There seemed to be more basements that did not flood in July that got water during the December rain. The highway crew is still working on the July damage and has been responding to further damage from the December storm.
General Discussion...
The Assessor's Office will be open Tuesdays 12 to 8 for abatements. The last day is Monday, January 22, from 12 to 8.
The flag and banner policy will be revisited on January 16. There will be discussion on signs being placed on town property.
The Selectboard would like to recognize the life of Ronald Hawkes. Ron served the town in many was during his life and will be sadly missed.
Minutes approved on Monday, Jan 22, 2024
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