Joint Meeting: Selectboard andBoard of Health
Monday, June 28,2021 – 6:00 p.m.
Town Hall, 5 Academy Hill Road
Join Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 817 0080 9323 Passcode:247418
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Meeting ID: 817 0080 9323
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In case the Zoom meeting endsprematurely for any reason, the Select Board will reconvene onconference line 413-369-1541, PIN 1541.
New Business
Discussion on Amendment to the Agreement for Services with FRCOG Appoint Andy Levchuk and Phyllis Craine to the ZBA |
The listing ofagenda items includes matters reasonably anticipated by the Chair to come underdiscussion at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed andother items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extentpermitted by law.
SB 2021-06-28 Agenda BoH (2022-08-17 at 1:51 PM)
SB 2021-06-28 BOH Minutes (2022-08-17 at 1:51 PM)
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