Meetings are now held every other Monday and are at this time accessible via Zoom.
Meeting opened: 6:00 PM
Meeting closed: 6:50 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Mon, Sep 25 - Select Board
Minutes Approved: Tue, Oct 17 - Select Board
- Vote to approve the Accounts Payable Warrant W24-10 in the amount of $184,891.62; the Payroll Warrant PW24-10 in the amount of $137,682.33, and the Payroll Deduction Warrant PDW24-10 in the amount of $33,927.73.
MOTION, moved by Erica Goleman, seconded by Christopher Waldo: .
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman.
General Discussion...
All board members attended the town-wide Harvest Meal that was organized through FRCOG and funded with the MVP grant that the town recently received. It was estimated that between 100-130 residents attended the event. The Selectboard would like to extend a thank you to all those that helped make it a successful day.
- Discussion and possible vote(s) regarding the July 2023 rain events on steps Town is taking to remediate town damages; obtain Town compensation; alleviate and address resident concerns; remediate Town infrastructure which worsened flood damages; assist private individuals and non profits in remediating damages; and to help obtain compensation for losses to private residences and property.
General Discussion...
FRCOG has finished a survey of the Pine Hill area of town and will soon be sharing their findings.
- Discuss and vote to sign letter to MassDOT re: Bardwells Ferry bridge.
MOTION, moved by Erica Goleman, seconded by Christopher Waldo: To sign the letter to MassDOT this week regarding Bardwells Ferry Bridge assistance after a few minor changes.
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo, Erica Goleman.
- Review of current warrant article submissions for Special Town Meeting.
General Discussion...
A very rough draft of the warrant for the special town meeting in December was shared. The current draft is to let everyone know what articles will be worked on over the next 2 weeks.
General Discussion...
The Selectboard gave the ok to post on the website that the Festival of the Hills is in need of committee members.
There was a discussion about needing more information regarding applying for the firewood grant and the grant to purchase a van for the town to transport residents. We will be investigating data from residents and possibly partnering on the van with Deerfield.
General Discussion...
The embankment at the end of Delebarre Ave still needs attention. Because of the flooding this summer, the Highway Department was not able to get to the project and it has been postponed until nextyear.
The new posting sign in front of the Town Hall needs something on the back. Possibly art work or a second sign.
- Eversource vegetation work.
General Discussion...
Just a reminder that the town has no control over the spraying and Eversource notifies as a courtesy.
Minutes approved on Monday, Nov 6, 2023
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