Meetings are now held every other Monday and are at this time accessible via Zoom.
You can join us live on zoom:
Meeting opened: 6:01 PM
Meeting closed: 8:01 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Mon, Aug 14 - Select Board
- Vote to approve the Accounts Payable Warrant, Payroll Warrant, and the Payroll Deduction Warrant.
MOTION, moved by Erica Goleman, seconded by Philip Kantor: .
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Erica Goleman. Not Present: Christopher Waldo.
General Discussion...
A letter was read from Daniel Fitzgibbons and Patricia Venchesi in response to a letter sent by Lisa Brodeur McGan addressing an issue of overflow of water being diverted to the Gilman's property.
Lisa Brodeur McGan is representing the Gilman's and was asking for a solution to the flooding issues. The board assured Gilman that the town is working hard to address the situation that arose during the July rain storms. The town is focusing on moving forward with new solutions that will address the problems with the aging pipes that currently exist.
An email group will be created to keep all the homeowners informed of future repair work and funding possibilities.
- Discussion and possible vote(s) regarding the July 2023 rain events on steps Town is taking to remediate town damages; obtain Town compensation; alleviate and address resident concerns; remediate Town infrastructure which worsened flood damages; assist private individuals and non profits in remediating damages; and obtain compensation for losses to private residences and property.
General Discussion...
Representatives from the Conway Pool attended to discuss the flood damage from the storm.
The Pool Association pointed out that there are 3 culverts from Whately Road that are directed to the pool that have not been maintained. The association is asking what help can come from the town.
The association is going before the CPC to ask for funds and the Select Board will back their request.
Because of a 30 day special permit, the need for funding to do work is in need urgently. The Select Board is able to allocate $6,000 for the town trust to help with the project.
MOTION, moved by Philip Kantor, seconded by Erica Goleman: To allocate $6,000 from the M & M Germain town trust to help with pool reconstruction.
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Erica Goleman. Not Present: Christopher Waldo.
Select Board adjourned at 6:19 and reopened as the Board of Trustees. At 6:23 the Board of Trustees adjourned and the Select Board meeting continued.
- Discussion regarding the street lights in town.
General Discussion...
Tabled until a future date.
- Discuss and vote to sign contract with Festival of the Hills.
MOTION, moved by Philip Kantor, seconded by Erica Goleman: .
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Erica Goleman. Not Present: Christopher Waldo.
- Vote to Sign a thank you letter to the DOT.
MOTION, moved by Philip Kantor, seconded by Erica Goleman: .
Pass: Aye: Philip Kantor, Erica Goleman. Not Present: Christopher Waldo.
General Discussion...
A letter from the Superintendent of Schools regarding the purchase of mini splits, will be referred to Town Counsel for more information.
Minutes approved on Monday, Sep 25, 2023
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