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Meeting ID: 658 679 6584
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Meeting opened: 6:00 PM
Meeting closed: 6:36 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Mon, Nov 21 - Select Board
- Vote to approve the Accounts Payable Warrant W23-13 in the amount of $69,367.54, the Payroll Warrant PW23-13 in the amount of $135.757.09, and the Payroll Deduction Warrant PDW23-13 in the amount of $33,232.97.
- Phil and the Town Manager attended a tour of the Ashfield dam to look at the improvements made and address concerns relating to Conway down the river.
- Vote to appoint Theresa Carter to the Cultural Council for a term ending 6/30/25.
MOTION, moved by Philip Kantor, seconded by Erica Goleman: Appoint Teresa Carter to the Cultural Council with a term ending 6/30/25.
Pass: Aye: Erica Goleman, Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo.
- Vote to appoint Susan Fentin to the Conway Currents newsletter committee for a term ending 6/30/25, and Mike Haley as an Associate member.
MOTION, moved by Philip Kantor, seconded by Erica Goleman: Vote to appoint Susan Fenton to the Conway Currents with a term ending 6/30/25 and Mike Haley as an associate member.
Pass: Aye: Erica Goleman, Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo.
Sign updated ADA coordinator appointment letter with new email address.
General Discussion...
The Selectboard signed the ADA letter.
Vote to appoint Jeff Clairemot as the new Transfer Station Manager
MOTION, moved by Philip Kantor, seconded by Christopher Waldo: Approve Jeff as the Transfer Station Manager.
Pass: Aye: Erica Goleman, Philip Kantor, Christopher Waldo.
2022-12-05 update.
- 1) Farmland of Local Importance, USDA. 2) Appointment of Inspector of Animals
None - Richard Little will be speaking at the Conway Historical Society December 6, at 7:30. The discussion will be about Armored Mud Balls. Christmas Carol will be performed at the Conway Fire House on December 16.
Minutes approved on Thursday, Dec 22, 2022
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