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Minutes Approve the Selectboard Meeting Minutes of October 25, 2021 Warrants Approve the Accounts Payable Warrant W22-11 for$187,235.91, the Payroll Warrant PW22-11 for $109,960.52 and the PayrollDeduction Warrant PDW22-11 for $27,916.22. Approve the Conway Grammar School Student Activities Warrant W22SAF01 for $769.00 Meetings Attended by Select Board Members Public Comments Old Business New Business Appoint town administrator as Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Officer Consideration of a letter of support for legislation promoting Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Discuss Mask Mandate Transfer Station price adjustments discussion License Renewal for the Conway Inn: Sign license renewal form Items Not Anticipated 48 Hours in Advance of the Meeting Town Administrator update Select Board member comments/concerns Mail Vote whether to continue as members of the Upper Pioneer Valley Veterans' Services district for the next three years. Announcements Next Meeting Adjourn
This meeting of the Selectboard will be held via Zoom. Members of the public are welcome to attend this virtual meeting.