Monday, September 27, 2021, 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm General Purpose Room, Conway Town Hall A meeting of the Select BoardAgenda Selectboard Meeting September 27, 2021, 6:00 p.m. Joint Meeting with Board of Health, 6:30 p.m. Via Zoom Meeting ID: 709 113 0284 - Passcode: conwayFC
Minutes Approve Selectboard minutes of 09/13/21
Warrants Approve the Accounts Payable Warrant W22-08 for $539,850.88,the Payroll Warrant PW22-08 for $113,537.48, and the Payroll Deduction WarrantPDW22-08 for $28,626.87.
Meetings Attended by Select Board Members
Public Comments
Old Business
New Business Appoint Paul Charest as a member of the Forest and Trails Committee for a term ending June 30, 2022 and Suzanne Artemieff to the Forest and Trails Committee for a term ending June 30, 2023.
Vote to approve appointment of George Forcier as an alternate non-voting member of the Historical Commission.
Appoint Tim Fisk as a new Transfer Station Attendant
6:30 Joint meeting with the Board of Health to discuss transfer station management
Approval of Uniqueness Determination for purchase of 69 Main Street
Town Administrator request to create American Rescue Plan Act working group and a Community & Economic Development Committee.
Using the Reverse 911 system for notification of Emergencies, Health-related issues and Transfer Station information.
Executive session to discuss 69 Main Street purchase negotiations
Items Not Anticipated 48 Hours in Advance of the Meeting
Town Administrator update
Select Board member comments/concerns
Mail Letter dated September 16, 2021 from Franklin County Technical School District Committee re: Negotiations with FCTS Teachers Association
Announcements Lee Gray and Jim Allyn have resigned from the transfer station.