New Business • 6:10 Appoint Jared Campbell, School Committee • Appoint Carol Baldwin as Conway Currents 5th Committee member for a 3-year term ending 6/30/2024, and approve staggered terms for the rest of the committee members • 6:15 Historical Society and Historical Preservation Committee to discuss the potential donation of the MacLeish property; Peter Engleman and George Forcier • 6:45 Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership update and Forest stewardship management plan update, Beth Girshman • Draft Host Community Agreement review and approval • Move to approve the Board of Health to accept gifts and grants for repairs and maintenance of the Conway Mall
Items Not Anticipated 48 Hours in Advance of the Meeting
Town Administrator update
Select Board member comments and concerns
Next Meeting
Adjourn to go into Executive Session
This meeting of the Selectboard will be held in-person at the location provided on this notice. Members of the public are welcome to attend this in-person meeting. Those with particular interest in any specific item on this agenda should make plans for in-person vs. virtual attendance accordingly