Monday, May 10, 2021,6:00 p.m.
Via Zoom
MeetingID: 870 3108 4443
In case the Zoommeeting ends prematurely for any reason,
the Select Boardwill reconvene on conference line 413-369-1541, PIN 1541.
Approvalof minutes
April26, 2021
May3, 2021
Vendorwarrant: $126,221.36
Payrollwarrant: $115,209.02
Payrolldeduction warrant: $28,726.08
MeetingsAttended by Select Board Members
6:10 Continuation of Public Hearing - Pole 32-94M,Main Poland Road
MassDEP Free PFAS testing for selected private wells in Conway
Signcontract with new Town Administrator
Vote to authorize FRCOG and in some cases Ron Sweet Highway Superintendent tobid and sign contract documents on the Town’s behalf.
Discussand vote opt-out options for the mosquito spraying.
AwardGermain Scholarships
Items Not Anticipated48 Hours in Advance of the Meeting
Town Administratorupdate
Select Board member commentsand concerns
Next Meeting: Scheduledfor Monday May 24, 2021, at 6 p.m., via Zoom
The listing ofagenda items includes matters reasonably anticipated by the Chair to come underdiscussion at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed andother items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extentpermitted by law.
SB 2021-05-10 Minutes (2022-08-17 at 1:51 PM)
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