JoinZoom Meeting
MeetingID: 817 1688 2270
Phone: 929-205-6099
Approvalof minutes from January 19, 2021
Meetings Attended bySelect Board Members
Public Comments
Approverenewal of Comcast cable license
Approve contract for Town nursingservices with the Franklin Regional Council of Governments
Approvejob description for Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Technician
Appoint Joan Haley to CulturalCouncil
6:30P.M. Joint Meeting with Finance Committee
FY 2022 Budget
General update
Newsletter Cmt.
Finance: Treasurer/Collector,Debt, Employee Benefits
Items Not Anticipated 48 Hours inAdvance of the Meeting
Town Administrator update
Concerns of the Selectmen
Next Meeting: Scheduledfor Monday, February 1, 2021, at 6 p.m., via Zoom
The listing of agendaitems includes matters reasonably anticipated by the Chair to come underdiscussion at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed andother items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extentpermitted by law.
SB 2021-01-25 Agenda (2022-08-17 at 1:50 PM)
SB 2021-01-25 Minutes (2022-08-17 at 1:50 PM)
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